Talks and presentations

Here, I highlight some of my notable academic talks and poster presentations not published in any conference proceedings.

Nonparametric Network Causal Inference for Continuous Exposures in Mobile Source Air Pollution American Causal Inference Conference, May 2024

Assumption-Lean Causal Inference for Mobile Source Air Pollution ASA Boston Chapter Student Research Symposium on Statistics and Data Science, April 2024

Improving Natural Language Classification with Augmented Data from GPT-3
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, April 2022

Language Models That Teach Themselves: Augmenting Training Data for Topic Classification Using GPT-3
ASA Boston Chapter Student Research Symposium on Statistics and Data Science, April 2022

Multi-Hypothesis Tracking of Space Objects and Targets
AMS Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) Poster Session, April 2022
Pai N, Balkus SV and Zeng T.

Multi-Level Biosensor-based Epidemic Forecasting in Small Areas
ASA Joint Statistical Meetings, August 2021