
Here, I highlight a sample of my recent research, including both published works and ongoing projects.
For a complete listing, please refer to my Google Scholar.


Improving Short Text Classification With Augmented Data Using GPT-3
Natural Language Engineering (2023).
Balkus SV, Yan D.

Federated Fuzzy Clustering for Longitudinal Health Data
IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (2022).
Balkus SV, Fang H, Wang H.

A Survey of Collaborative Machine Learning Using 5G Vehicular Communications
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (2022).
Balkus SV, Wang H, Cornet BD, Mahabal C, Ngo H, Fang H.

A review of harmonization methods for studying dietary patterns
Smart Health (2022).
Gurugubelli VS, Fang H, Shikany JM, Balkus SV, Rumbut J, Ngo H, Wang H, Allison JJ, Steffen NL.

A Multi-level Biosensor-based Epidemic Simulation Model for COVID-19
IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021).
Balkus SV, Fang H, Rumbut R, Moormann A, Boyer E.