About Me

Hi there! My name is Salvador Balkus, and I am a PhD student in Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. My research interests include causal inference, spatial statistics, and environmental health. I am currently advised by Professor Nima Hejazi.

In my free time, I enjoy illustrating scientific infographics and writing the occasional blog post for Harvard Science in the News. You can check out some of my past work here.

Previously, I graduated with a BS in Data Science from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. As an undergraduate, I worked under Professor Hua Fang in the Computational Statistics and Data Science Lab on a variety of topics in smart health and distributed learning. Before that, I spent time as a research assistant in the UMass Dartmouth Public Policy Center, where I studied the Blue Economy and social determinants of health in Southeastern New England.